Friday, June 8, 2012

Great First Week!


It's been one hell of a week.  This is the end of week one on the blog tour for The River Runes, and it's been very exciting.  Eight stops so far, and more to come next week.  The reviews have been kind, and the interviews were fun and I've been able to share the book with a bigger audience than ever before.  If you haven't checked it out yet, GO HERE

Also, Welcome to all of the new followers to the blog!  I'm excited to have you guys and girls along as I make this writing journey.  I'm not the most reliable poster, but I do my best. :)

Once the tour is over, I will post more specifics about how it went, and do my best to tell you how it may or may not have affected my sales and marketing plans for the future.

This is a short one, just wanted to say hi, and thanks for reading. (new readers and those of you that have been here awhile, alike)

Thanks for reading
buh bye then

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